The no-contact business card of the century. The magic, the mystifying, the incredible…
The QR Code!

QR (quick response) codes were developed in 1994 by a Japanese engineer for the purpose of tracking parts in car factories. Source: Forbes
They gained more popularity during the COVID-19 pandemic due to their contactless, scannable functionality. Restaurants and bars quickly adapted the easy method of QR codes in place of traditional menus to avoid the continued spread of the disease.
And they aren’t going away anytime soon. According to Forbes, it’s predicted that 99.5 million people in the U.S. will use QR codes by 2025.
If you haven’t already, now is the time to jump on the QR code bandwagon!
According to Forbes, it’s predicted that 99.5 million people in the U.S. will use QR codes by 2025.
But Why Should Businesses Use QR Codes?
The best reason why you should be using QR codes on promotional products is that it cuts your time in the marketing funnel in half.

The best way to explain it is that you are digitally placing your prospect right where they want them to be. Whether that be to a company website, a how-to video, or a business social media account, they can link any URL to a QR code.
Some of my favorite web pages to link to a QR code are:
• A press release or white paper about an achievement or goal
• A hype video about an upcoming event or product release
• A social media campaign where my company gave back to our local community
• A company’s social media page
• An email signup, where I can subscribe prospects to a targeted email marketing campaign
QR codes can increase traffic to your webpage, client engagement and increase your lead generation through first-party data.
The QR Journey
In the world of promotional products, you can get pretty creative with QR codes.
We at TLC would love to help you on your branded QR code journey!
QR codes can increase traffic to your webpage, client engagement and increase your lead generation through first-party data.
About The Logo Chic
Founded in 2007, we have been helping clients not only to promote their brands but also help them discover themselves. We carefully listen to what our clients say but also what they don't say to help them find that perfect promotional item.
We have become a true design house of promotions specializing in designing your promotion or event from beginning to end and down to the last detail. We love coming up with ideas that will get your brand noticed and remembered!
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